Saturday, November 30, 2013

More of the Galapagos

Flamingos on Galapagos

Searching for some kind of mud shrimp

Redheaded waterbird


Eating apples and leaves

Out for a stroll

More strolling

The King of the hill

The Wall of Tears built by convicts in the country for the
reason of giving them work as punishment. The wall serves
no purpose other than creating brutal work as these rocks
were carried by hands and backs and placed.  

Beautiful cactus flower

Local Lizard

Land Iguanas 

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Ranger station at the beginning of a trail to the lava fields 

Our guide in white, 66 years old acting like a teenager

Lava land


Lamp posts from the forest

A Harbor seal taking it easy

Local Penguins   

Iguana land

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